Friday, June 24, 2016

Commentary on "Our Part in the Syrian Refugee Crisis" (Blog Stage 6)

The author of "Our Part in the Syrian Refugee Crisis," from the USFG: One Vote One Voice blog, questions the actions (or lack thereof) of the United States regarding the welcoming of refugees. As stated, the U.S. has only accepted 1500 of 4 million refugees, a fraction of the number it could support. This fact harrows anyone who believes human life, regardless of where it comes from, should be valued, supported, and cherished. People are fleeing their homes and families, seeking sanctuary in foreign countries only to be greeted by closed doors and prejudice. Where is the justice in that?
The author also argues that the U.S. has more abundant resources to take in refugees than the European and Middle Eastern countries currently carrying the bulk of the 4 million.  Once again, as I mentioned in a previous post, the inhibition shown by the U.S. is founded in fear established by a criticizing media. Refugees are portrayed as burdens to a country, as dangerous criminals and terrorists seeking to further advance the destruction they left behind. It is illogical and inhumane to condemn their search for asylum. As mentioned by the author, taking in refugees would be a political win for the U.S., who would gain the favor of the countries pressuring it to do so and procure what is called “soft power.” Isolation is not going to help the U.S. thrive. Success comes from the communal support of allied countries and people.
Stories of refugees I have found online reveal the struggles they must undergo, their desire to work hard and assimilate into countries that restrict their advancement. If terrorism is what the U.S. fears, what better way to stop it than to show their support for refugees fleeing it as well? We are all on the same side. The narrow-minded prejudice of people who fear foreign influence is the barricade preventing the unity needed to overcome a common enemy.

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